Morris Kishk Morris Kishk

The 4th and American Guilt

Over the past ten years we have been slowly conditioned to feel tremendous guilt regarding our country. This guilt, I will argue, has far more nefarious consequences and has tarnished our ability to love ourselves, others and ultimately God himself.

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Morris Kishk Morris Kishk

The Question

What is the question you are too afraid to even ask yourself?

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Morris Kishk Morris Kishk

Birthday Plunges and Competition

Last birthday, I found myself 28-years old and standing on a narrow slab of rock atop the long fishermen pier at Coney Island: clothes strewn in a pile on the floor, a wicked wind slapping my bare skin, wondering what kind of lunatic I was.

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Morris Kishk Morris Kishk

Momentum, Inertia and the Less Often Discussed Benefits of Shabbat

This past Friday evening I arrived at the Shabbat table with reluctance.

“I wish I could have a whole nother week before Shabbat,” I said.

It was painful to pull myself away from my work. The wheels in my brain were spinning 100 miles an hour: possibilities, ideas, meetings to schedule, visions to execute on. I didn’t want to stop.

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Morris Kishk Morris Kishk

The Grass is Greener When You’re Blind

The most frustrating part is that I never even noticed the grass before all of this. From what I was told, it was even more patchy last season with a similar quantity of weeds and clovers.

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Morris Kishk Morris Kishk

Cold Plunge Episode 2: The Ultimate North Star

In this episode of Cold Plunge, Ernie and Bert are back in the studio with new inspiration and fresh ideas. They discuss mans love for nature despite the epic, never-ending struggle between man and nature. They then pivot to Ernie's theme journal and discuss the daily goals Ernie has set for himself in the past couple of weeks.

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Morris Kishk Morris Kishk

Cold Plunge Episode 1A

In this episode of Cold Plunge, Ernie and Bert are back in the studio with new inspiration and fresh ideas. They discuss mans love for nature despite the epic, never-ending struggle between man and nature. They then pivot to Ernie's theme journal and discuss the daily goals Ernie has set for himself in the past couple of weeks.

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Health, Blog Post, Spirituality Morris Kishk Health, Blog Post, Spirituality Morris Kishk


It’s one of the maddening perversities of human psychology that we only notice we’re alive when we’re reminded we’re going to die, the same way some of us appreciate our girlfriends only after they’ve become exes.

-Tim Kreider

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Health, Blog Post, Spirituality Morris Kishk Health, Blog Post, Spirituality Morris Kishk


I don’t know why we take our worst moods so much more seriously than our best, crediting depression with more clarity than euphoria. We dismiss peak moments and passionate love affairs as an ephemeral chemical buzz, just endorphins or hormones, but accept those 3 A.M. bouts of despair as unsentimental insights into the truth about our lives.

-Tim Kreider

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